這台最貴!這台最貴! 第一名最貴的戰機, B2SPIRIT 價值24億美元自膠原蛋白1992年服役於伊拉克與阿富汗戰役.Top 10 Most Expensive Military 帛琉PlanesB-2 Spirit: $2.4 billionThe B-2 bomber was so costly 酒店經紀that Congress cut its initial 1987 purchase order from 132 to 土地買賣21. (A 2008 crash leaves the current number at 20.) The B-2 酒店兼職is hard to detect via infrared, acoustic, electromagnetic, 借貸visual or radar signals. This stealth capability makes it 租屋able to attack enemy targets with less fear of retaliation. 酒店兼職In use since 1993, the B-2 has been deployed to both Iraq and 有巢氏房屋Afghanistan 小額信貸.http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1912203_1913321_last,00.html

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